Pomeroy Washington Downtown National Historic District

Historic District Downtown Building Inventory

Kuykendall Block (Site ID 40)

764 Main Street

According to the 1896 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, four wooden commercial structures occupied the site (a millinery, harness, grocery, and barbershop). These buildings were destroyed by the 1900 Pomeroy fire. Dr. and C.E. Kuykendall began construction on their new brick block immediately after the fire. The building was the second brick structure to be completed after the fire. J.N. Cardwell moved his general store into the west storefront and stayed until circa 1909 when he moved to a different location. and the Taylor shoe store moved into Cardwell's storefront.

Other uses for the western storefront included a clothing store and the Central Market. Loy and Stevenson Confectionery shop were the first to occupy the eastern storefront. The partners maintained their business until 1906 when George Simenstad established a jewelry store in the building. About 1963, the Pomeroy Pharmacy moved from their long-time location at 782 Main Street to the Kuykendall Block.

According to Ray Cardwell [Ray Cardwell: Cardwell's, 2010], during the early 1970's, Mona Wolf had "Wolf's Fabrics" in the back of the pharmacy. The pharmacy later merged with Brown's Drug Store and took over both storefronts and still occupies the building.

The one-story painted brick building has a cornice decorated with an offset peaked parapet, corbeled dripcourses, raised rusticated pilasters accented with corbels and topped with pyramidal caps, transom window openings covered with wood panels, and a recessed entrance on the west bay. The original entrance on the west bay has been changed to a window.

Description and much of the Cultural Data based on
research by Donovan & Associates

Simenstad's Jewelry

Photograph of Simenstad's Jewelry taken in approximately 1906
Photograph of Simenstad's Jewelry dated 1912
Photograph of Simenstad's Jewelry r4epair area, dated 1912

The February 25, 1971 East Washingtonian ran this small front page article about Celia Simenstad's upcoming 96th birthday. Geo. Simenstad passed away in September, 1940, and Celia died the day after her 97th birthday in 1972. Both are buried in the Pomeroy city cemetery.

Local Woman Is 96 Monday

Mrs. Celia Simenstad, 570 Columbia, celebrates her 96th birthday Monday, March 1. Mrs. Simenstad, the wife 0f the late George Simenstad, long-time jeweler in Pomeroy, still lives in the home she and her husband had built 54 years ago.

She still cares for herself and her home entirely, having no family in this area, and only a few cousins elsewhere. At one time she worked at Cardwell's in the alteration department.

Friends and neighbors are urged to remember her Monday with phone calls, cards, gifts. Many people, and several local stores, have been very kind to her in recent years.

Skaggs United Stores/Safeway

Samuel Skaggs started a grocery store named Skaggs' Cash Store in American Falls, Idaho, in 1915. He sold it to his son, who with his five brothers: Pepper Oscar Skaggs, Aron Sylvester Skaggs, Loronzo L. Skaggs, Samuel Olnie Skaggs, Levi Justin Skaggs, Marion Skaggs grew the chain, operated as two separate businesses, Skaggs Cash Stores (Pepper Oscar Skaggs) and Skaggs United Stores (M. B. Skaggs), to 191 stores by 1920.

Skaggs United expanded into the Palouse in the early 20's, opening their store in Pomeroy in February, 1925.

By 1926 it had grown to 673 stores, when it merged with Sam Seelig Company to form Safeway.


Skaggs Branch for Pomeroy;
Corporation Operates in Eight States

Announced as store No. 251, a Pomeroy branch of the Skaggs grocery chain will be formally opened Saturday [February 21], in the Kuykendall block on Main street between Second and Third. Extensive alterations including a changed entrance and interior improvements have been made to the property, which is under lease to the grocery chain for a term of five years.

C. L. Black, formerly with the Walla Walla branch, is manager of the Pomeroy store, and with Mrs. Black will occupy the Clary residence on Pataha street. The local store is a part of the Lewiston district, which comprises branches in Colfax, Moscow, Clarkston, Lewiston and Pomeroy. The Colfax and Moscow stores were recently opened. The district is under the supervision of B. P. Kramlich, of Lewiston, who also is manager of the branch in that city.

The local store, according to announcement, will carry a complete line of staples and fancy groceries, green goods, bread, and cured meats. Additional employes will be recruited from local material as the business expands, according to Mr. Black.

"While the number of the Pomeroy branch is 251, there are in reality 260 stores and 40 markets," said Mr. Kramlich, who has been in Pomeroy from the Lewiston district headquarters to assist in the opening. "The Pomeroy number was assigned before several other stores, later given numbers, were opened. The corporation operates in eight western states.

"The Skaggs stores, while a part of a chain and enjoying the advantages of chain buying, are nevertheless local institutions., The local managers are stockholders in the corporation, and the community in which a branch is located receives the support and cooperation of the mnanager just as it does from every other business establishmenbt."

Pomeroy Rexall Pharmacy

The Kuykendall Block and Mulkey Block as they appear in 2021 as Pomeroy Pharmacy.

Wandering Pomeroy's Main Street


Area Traffic Cameras
Alpowa Summit
Delaney (20+ miles W on Highway 12)
SE Washington Traffic Alerts


This Web site has been financed by Castlemoyle Books and Gifts for the Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee.
The Committee gratefully acknowledges donations of time, photographs, scans, and other
assistance from the Garfield County Museum and individual citizens of Pomeroy and Garfield County.

The Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee
66 South 7th Street
Pomeroy WA 99347


Copyright © 2002-2025 John R. Gordon