Once the Telephone Building, now Farm & Home storage (Summer 2021)
Historic District Downtown Building Inventory
Telephone Building (Site ID 48)
Classification: Historic Non-Contributing
666 Main Street
Constructed circa 1911, the building was erected as a telephone office. J.N. Henley owned the building in 1916. By 1930, the telephone company moved into a building on Seventh Street (#7) and a tractor shop moved into the subject building. The Pomeroy Collison and Glass Company occupied the building in 1965 when a fire struck. Ferd Herres, the owner at the time, repaired the roof with new trusses, removed the cornice, and installed a large opening in the front (north) wall for a garage door access. The building is currently used as storage by Farm & Home Supply, located across Main Street. The one-story building, constructed of concrete with a brick facade, has a seamed metal roof, brick pilasters flanking the openings on the front (north) facade, a recessed pedestrian entrance with transom above, and a large wood and glass panel garage door. The cornice and part of the spandrel was removed, and a garage door installed after a 1965 fire destroyed the neighboring building to the east and damaged the roof of this structure. Description and much of the Cultural Data based on
research by Donovan & Associates

January 1922

January 1924

May 1924

September 1924

October 1924
Telephone company moving along on their plans for the new building.
Razing of the old store building north of Pomeroy State bank began Wednesday morning, preparatory to the erection of a modern stucco, bungalo-type telephone office combined with living quarters for the switchboard help.
-- Down Memory Lane from March 20, 1958, looking back at March, 1933
Wandering Pomeroy's Main Street
Area Traffic Cameras
Alpowa Summit
Delaney (20+ miles W on
Highway 12)
SE Washington Traffic
This Web site has been financed by Castlemoyle Books and Gifts for the Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee.
The Committee gratefully acknowledges donations of time, photographs, scans, and other
assistance from the Garfield County Museum and individual citizens of Pomeroy and Garfield County.
The Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee
66 South 7th Street
Pomeroy WA 99347
Copyright © 2002-2022 John R. Gordon