Historic District Downtown Building Inventory

Moore Brothers' Garage as seen in Summer, 2021
Moore Brothers Garage (Site ID 25)
According to the 1896 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, the site was vacant. By 1922, the 40'x60' structure housed Moore Brothers Garage (Clarence and Coiner), and by 1930, the garage added a 30' extension on the south side.
The garage was known as Fred Weimar's Garage in the 1930s and 1940s.
Burke Brothers had a gas station and car dealership in this location during the 1960s.
Bob Fischer purchased the building in 1971 and opened Fischer's Auto Repair which is still in business.
A display area was in the front of the building and a repair shop in the back.
Moore's Garage, built circa 1910, is a one-story brick building with a raised parapet decorated with a dogtooth brick pattern. The stepped parapet and bays on the east side are separated by raised pilasters. The front (north) elevation has two large fixed-pane display windows and a recessed garage door with a wood panel door. The north elevation has newer fixed-pane windows and one original four-pane wood sash window. A segmental arch is above the original wood garage doors on the north side. The three panel folding doors have multi-pane windows on the upper portion and recessed panels on the lower section decorated with cross boards. The rear (south) elevation has a series of six-over-six doublehung wood sash segmental arch windows. All the brick work has been painted with the exception of the rear elevation.
Description and Cultural Data based on
research by Donovan & Associates
Weimer's Garage
Seen in the "Down Memory Lane" column of 2/27/58, looking back 25 years:

"Fred Weimer moved his garage from the Lone Star service station to the Melsten garage location Wednesday."

How about one of these today? Advertisement from July, 1936.
"Down Memory Lane" column of October, 1957, looking back at 1952:

Richard Fitzgerald has accepted the position of lubrication service man at Weimer's Garage. He began work Monday of this week.

September, 1957
New and at a Low Price! TorqueFlight pushbutton transmission! October 31, 1957.

The 1958 Chrysler Windsor four-door hardtop is all new in a lower price range. It features dual headlights as standard equipment, aircraft-type bubble windshields, new power steering, pushbutton TorqueFlight transmission and Tension-Aire ride, the only advanced suspension available as standard equipment. The Windsor is also offered in a two-door hardtop, four-door sedan, two-seat Town and Country wagon and three-seat wagon. It is powered by a 290 horsepower engine.

October, 1957
October 31, 1957. The new Plymouth Silver Dart has tail fins!

Silver Dart two-tone exterior styling trim, sweeping backward and up to the tip of the Plymouth Belvedere 4-door hardtop's familiar fins, is new with 1958 Belvedere models and Sport Suburban station wagons. The contrasting dart is available either in anodized aluminum for a striking new effect, or in compatible colors. Plymouth's outstanding Torsion-Aire suspension system and its trouble-free mechanical push button controls are retained for 1958. Six engine options, a new Constant-Control power steering system providing Plymouth's famous full-time ease of operation, a new Sure-Grip differential and a new automatic Econo-Choke are available on 1958 Plymouth cars being introduced in dealer showrooms across the nation on November 1.

March, 1958

Sally Donovan's description says Weimer's was here in the '30s and '40s. Where did they sell their Evinrudes from in October, 1960?
Burke Bros.

September of 1966
from September, 1966:

Walla Walla Bulletin photo
MUDDY MAIN STREET--Burke Brothers, Plymouth-Chrysler garage, was one of the Main street firms that had a big job of mud moving after the flood last Tuesday night. Jim Burke and sons John and Doug are shown hard at the task. The garage basement was also flooded.

From December, 1966. Union 76 gas as well as batteries
Fischer's Auto Repair

1971 started off with a new business in this location.
Wandering Pomeroy's Main Street
Area Traffic Cameras
Alpowa Summit
Delaney (20+ miles W on
Highway 12)
SE Washington Traffic
This Web site has been financed by Castlemoyle Books and Gifts for the Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee.
The Committee gratefully acknowledges donations of time, photographs, scans, and other
assistance from the Garfield County Museum and individual citizens of Pomeroy and Garfield County.
The Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee
66 South 7th Street
Pomeroy WA 99347
Copyright © 2002-2021 John R. Gordon