Historic District Downtown Building Inventory
City Hall and Fire Station, (Site ID 5)
Historic Contributing
This was originally the site of a two-story wooden building that housed the jail, city offices, and the hose cart for the fire department. As the town grew, the need for a new city hall and fire station increased. In 1926, the citizens of Pomeroy and City Council authorized the construction of a new city hall, fire station, and jail. Builder C.A. Ward was awarded the contract to erect the new building that was designed by Harold E. Crawford. Completed in five months, the new facility was finished in September, 1927, at a cost of about $10,000.
The building was altered in the early 1950s when a new fire station was built at Ninth and Main streets. At that time, the western and central portion of the building was converted into an apartment, and the eastern side used as the city hall and jail. The apartment was often rented to city officials such as the police chief. The city currently uses the former apartment for storage and a City Council Chamber.
An associated two stall concrete garage/storage area is located southwest of the City Hall. Built into the hillside, the Mission style structure has a flat roof concealed by a raised curvilinear parapet, two garage door openings, and a storage area built onto the south side. A concrete stairway on the north side leads to the adjacent lot. The building is a Contributing structure to the site. This was used to store the fire department's equipment and trucks.
The City Hall is a one-story building sited at the north end of Seventh Street. The building has a clipped gable roof. An unclad concrete ell that housed the jail is on the northeast comer of the building and is now used for storage. Modifications include the addition of fixed light windows and aluminum doors on the front (south) facade, enclosure of the original fire station doors in the center of the building (early 1950s), and covering the transoms on the side doors and windows.
Cultural Data based on
research by Donovan & Associates.

City hall in the fall of 2021. The garage is to the left.
From April, 1954, looking "Down Memory Lane" back to 1947:

1947--Leslie Krouse, fire chief of the Pomeroy and Garfield county rural fire departments, yesterday received a letter from Joseph B. Tucker, Spokane, advising him that within the next few days he would recieve an Emerson resuscitator, a gift to the department in the name of Mrs. Ellis Brady Tucker.
A small bit on the front page of a February 2, 1958, EW:

McMonigle Chevrolet company of Pomeroy was awarded the bid for a new town police car this week. It will be a 1958 four-door Chevrolet sedan. Traded in on the new car will be a 1955 model. Only one bid was received by the council.
Wandering Pomeroy's Main Street
Area Traffic Cameras
Alpowa Summit
Delaney (20+ miles W on
Highway 12)
SE Washington Traffic
This Web site has been financed by Castlemoyle Books and Gifts for the Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee.
The Committee gratefully acknowledges donations of time, photographs, scans, and other
assistance from the Garfield County Museum and individual citizens of Pomeroy and Garfield County.
The Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee
66 South 7th Street
Pomeroy WA 99347
Copyright © 2002-2022 John R. Gordon