Mission Shell (Site ID 1)
(Currently: Farm & Home Service Dept)

6## Main Street

Classification: Non-Historic Non-Contributing

According to the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, a brewery stood on this site in 1896. By 1929, the building had been replaced by Harry H. Hadley's Mission Style Shell Service Station (demolished in the early 1970s). Other owners of the Mission style station were Jack Caldwell, Dale and Delbert Turner, Paul Feider, and Jerry Schneider.

Ferd Herres purchased the property circa 1964 and constructed the steel building in 1974 for use as an automobile service department Members of the Herres family still own the building.

Based on research by
Donovan & Associates.

The "Down Memory Lane" column in the May 31, 1979, issue of the E-W:

50 years ago--1929

After months of preparation, the Mission Service Station, built by Harr Hadley, will open next Thursday, Decoration Day.

An early view of the Mission Shell station at what was then 2nd and Main

News of 1951 from the East Washingtonian "Down Memory Lane" of August 16, 1956.

Clifford Long, local farmer, purchased the lease on the Mission Shell service station August 8 [, 1951] from Roy Hill and has taken over active management.

From an ebay listing is this 1953 pocket calendar from Mission Shell


Area Traffic Cameras
Alpowa Summit
Delaney (20+ miles W on Highway 12)
SE Washington Traffic Alerts


This Web site has been financed by Castlemoyle Books and Gifts for the Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee.
The Committee gratefully acknowledges donations of time, photographs, scans, and other
assistance from the Garfield County Museum and individual citizens of Pomeroy and Garfield County.

The Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee
66 South 7th Street
Pomeroy WA 99347


Copyright © 2002-2021 John R. Gordon