Downtown Pomeroy Washington, 1908

News from the

East Washingtonian newspaper logotype

October 17, 1935

Page 5


Local News Items

Ask for "Golden Grain" butter at your local dealer. Pomeroy Dairy Products.

Dance—Oliphant schoolhouse, Saturday night, November 9. Ruark's Orchestra.

Miss Antoinette Francisco of Pomeroy was a guest at the Dodge hotel In Washington, D. C., this week.

According to Dwight Nye, welfare commissioner, three local boys out of five applicants will be sent Wednesday to Pullman to enter a CCC camp.

Garfield County Pomona grange will meet Saturday, November 2, with Philomathean grange, at 10 a. m. Election of officers before noon. Picnic dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bisconner of Yakima left Tuesday for Yakima after visiting several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Buckner. Mr. Bisconner and Mr. Buckner are half brothers.

Judge M. F. Gose has left for his winter quarters at Olympia after spending a pleasant summer in Garfield county. The Judge will visit awhile in Portland with a jurist friend before continuing to Olympia.

Art Farance, who has been confined to his room for several weeks due to an infection in one of his legs following an abrasion, is reported to be improving, and it is hoped he may soon be well and able to resume his work at the Meyers hardware.

Aimee Semple McPherson did stay at the Revere Hotel where she found the best of eats, wonderful beds, clean steam-heated rooms with baths, congenial surroundings and excellent service at reasonable rates. Come and patronize us. (Signed) Revere Hotel.

Lieutenant C. H. Voeller, who was in charge during the construction of the local CCC camp this past summer, and was transferred to Pierce, Idaho, where he was in charge of a CCC group, has been promoted to the position of district quartermaster for the Lewiston area, with headquarters in that city.

Mrs. N. J. Murphy was happily surprised Friday evening when her nephew,' Oscar Culbert, of Fremont, Ohio, called at her home. Mr. Culbert is an enrollee in the CCC camp here and will be engaged in the soil conservation work just beginning, the main objective of the camp. Mrs. ICurphy is bedfast most of the time, but was greatly cheered by the visit from one of her relatives in Ohio from whom she had not heard for several years.

Brown's Drug Store now sells late popular piano music. New issues received frequently.

Robert Mayfield, 13, killed a deer last week, a two-point buck. Robert is one of several boys who have killed deer this fall, but so far reported he is youngest deerslayer.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Fisher Friday afternoon at 2:30. Mr. Jewett will discuss some of the municipal laws pertaining to liquor. Round table discussion will follow.

E. E. Knettle while on his way home from Spokane, Monday evening, had the misfortune to run into a parked car on the highway a short distance out of Colfax, stalled in the middle of the road without lights. The Knettle car was damaged but fortunately no one was injured.

Jack Bowman who has been employed by the East Washingtonian, for some time, has resigned and accepted a position with McKeirnan's Incorporated, taking over his new duties Friday morning. He will be employed in the sales department.

Ed Davis, former speaker of the house of representatives of the state of Washington, was among the many Dayton football fans, here last Friday afternoon to witness the Dayton-Pomeroy game. Mr. Davis remarked "It was one of the finest high school football games it has ever been my experience to see."

Jerry Putnam who has been employed as manager of the grocery department of Cardwell's store for the past year has resigned his position and with his family moved to Lewiston, Idaho, Monday where Mr. Putnam has accepted a position, as a traveling salesman, for the Clearwater Creamery Co. The vacancy has been filled by Wm. Brammer.

A birthday party was given in honor of little Miss Claudia Eleanor Long, now one year old, by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Long at their home Monday, the guests being relatives of the little miss. They were: Virginia and James Oliver and Mrs. Roy Oliver; Ronald and Larry McGrady and Mrs. Cole McGrady; Carl and Jean Batterton and Mrs. Robert Batterton; Mrs. Charles Long.

Judge M. F. Gose and Joseph McKeirnan, from Pomeroy, were circulating among Asotin people for a few hours Wednesday. This will be the last visit Judge Gose will make to Asotin until probably next April or May, as he expects to leave Sunday for Olympia, where he will spend the winter, The gentlemen stated to the Sentinel man that Garfield county this season harvested an average grain crop, for the entire county, and for that reason people generally, were feeling good.—Asotin Sentinel.

P. J. Bue has been confined to his home the past two days by illness.

V. H. Rogers, Walla Walla, was a business visitor in the city today.

Dr. P. D. Brink, who was called into consultation by the Pullman physician having charge of Jerome Bue, in a hospital there with pneumonia, says the young man is getting along nicely and will soon be convalescent, barring any untoward developments. [Note: He did recover and died in 1985.]

Last Saturday forenoon fire started while fence posts were being tarred at the farm of Roy Williams, seven miles southeast of town. Getting out of control, and alarm was sounded and the rural truck rushed to the scene of the conflagration, but had not been called in time to prevent many of the 900 posts being burned.

Mrs. C. A. McCabe has received word from Walla Walla to the effect that her sister, Miss Irene Mock, who recently underwent a serious major operation, is now making satisfactory progress towards recovery. Miss Mock is a trained nruse and has been employed for some time in the Veterans' Hospital, Walla Walla and is well konwn in Pomeroy.

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKeirnan and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowman left Sunday afternoon for Portland, Oregon, where Mr. McKeirnan and Mr. Bowman attended a meeting of the Northwest Chevrolet dealers and saw for the first time on display the new 1936 Chevrolet cars and trucks. They returned home Wednesday evening. A new 1936 Chevrolet will be on display at McKeirnan's Incorporated this coming Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Crump left Friday of last week for Portland, Oregon, to visit for a few days with their son, John, a student of Hill's military academy. John was to have played in a football game Saturday but an old injury to one of his knees prevented this. Saturday the Crumps witnessed the game in Portland between Oregon State and Washington State, won by W. S. C. 26 to 13. They returned home Monday.

Out of the three thousand freshman students entering the University last month two former Pomeroy high school students, John Keatts and Miriam Brown, were rated among the highest eighty in the English entrance examinations. Young people who make this rating are segregated and put under a highly qualified instructor who gives them every opportunity to see what they can achieve in English composition.

Mr. and Mrs. Hal Robertson who have been visiting here for the past month at the home of Mrs. Bobertson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meyers departed Tuesday morning for their home in Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Robertson before leaving said he enjoyed one of the finest vacations he had ever experienced, being a lover of the great out-of-doors and an ardent hunter, he had the opportunity to enjoy both to the fullest extent.

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Ostby spent last Thursday and Friday inspecting the Coulee dam site. Like others who have visited the site they say it is worth anyone's time to see this gigantic project now in the course of construction. They went by way of Spokane and returned via Ritzville and found the Ritzville route a few miles shorter, 218 and 213 miles respectively.

Mrs. H. C. Ewing and daughter Marian, of Portland, arrived Saturday for a brief visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Richardson. Monday Mr. Richardson accompanied Mrs. Ewing and daughter to Weiser, Idaho, going via the North and South highway. Mrs. Ewing has a large tract of land near Weiser and she wanted Mr. Richardson to look after some business matters relating thereto, in which she felt she lacked business experience. On the return trip, coming via La Grande and Pendleton, Mr. Richardson took the stage at Pendleton for home Tuesday evening, and the Portland folk went on home by car.


Mrs. Bert Greene is ill in a Spokane hospital.

Miss Summers of Gifford, Idaho and Miss Charlotte Peterson spent the week end visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peterson.

Billy and Helen Burns spent last week visiting Max Burns.

Mrs. George Spalinger, Mrs. Clyde Poole, Miss Doris Spalinger and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Spalinger, all of Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spalinger who now live on the Lee Garren place.


State Chairman Emerson of the republican central committee in an address at Tacoma recently declared that the Soviets in the United States had a fund to pay for the enrollment of one of their organizers in every institution of higher education in state and nation.

One worker has been identified at the state college in Pullman. He will be watched. Mr. Emerson sounds a warning that all other institutions should be on their guard against these workers.


Washington State College, Pullman, October 31.—-What is the most popular name? If you guess Smith, you're wrong. And if you guess Brown, you're clear out of the race—-insofar as the students at the State College of Washington are concerned, at least. A survey of the student directory, which has just been published, reveals that Johnson, which has been a consistent winner for years, still leads in popularity with a score of 41. Smith is a poor second with 35, then follows Miller with 25, Jones 22, Brown 19, Anderson 18, Williams 16, with Nelson, Wilson and Davis sharing honors with 15 each.

The Scotch apparently rule the campus, for 96 names begin with "Mc," while the Irish can muster but 9 O'Learys and O'Malleys. The letter "S" is the favorite as a beginning letter, 371 students' names coming in that class, while "U" is at the foot of the list as the starting letter of but five names.

Cain and Abell [sic], Paul, Sampson, Nero and Standish are on hand. Barnum and Bailey are trying to sign up one lone Triplett, while Babbitt stands on the sidelines and grins in true plebian enjoyment.

In personality, some students are Keene, Bright, Dull, Sharp, Meek, Moody, and Jolley. Black, Brown, Green and White students are Little, Short, Tall, Small, Stout and Young. And if one wished to start a town he would find on hand a Baker, Barber, Butler, Cook, Draper, Hunter, Merchant, Seaman, Weaver, Miller, Taylor and Singer. If he wished to start a Church, he would no doubt get assistance from a Christian, Priest and Bishop.

Robert Au of Seattle has the shortest name, while a number of students have names of 14 letters. The animal kingdom is represented only by a Wolf and a Baer but the birds have a congenial little colony of a Crane, Crow, Drake, Eagle and Finch.


Central Ferry grange met Friday, October 25, The next meeting will be November 8, at which time a decision will be made regarding the early finishing of the interior of the grange hall. All members are urged to come out.


Philomathean grange will be host to Pomona grange Saturday, November 2, beginning at 10 o'clock. Election of officers for the coming year will be an order of business. Picnic dinner at noon.


The Green Valley and Skyhook schools are to have a Halloween party at the Green Valley school-house Friday evening, beginning at 7:30. There will be Halloween games, and dancing for those who enjoy this recreation. The public is invited.


A special meeting of the Townsend club will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in the courtroom. Special business is to be discussed. Club members are urged to come out and show your colors. Don't forget the date.

PUBLIC AND SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS, ATTENTION! Something new and unique! Bible Text Pencil and Greeting Card. Sample postpaid 25c, money back if not pleased. North Head Specialty Co., Box 214, Ilwaco, Wash. 41-2


Come to the dance Saturday night at the Maple. Ray Ruark's orchestra.

We now have some good yellow pine firewood. McKeiman's Inc. 23-tf

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