Hotel Revere Restoration Project


on the Lost Highway in
Pomeroy, Washington


Castlemoyle Books Logo
Castlemoyle Publishing
Hotel Revere Renovation
Grand Opening --Phase 1
      Father Fernando Maldanado of Holy Rosary Parish in Pomeroy Poses with Beverly and John Gordon of Castlemoyle Publishing. Dylan Flesch is hiding in back while his sister Melissa is at the right.
      Part of the Overflow crowd waiting for the ceremonies to begin. "Catering Manager" Elsie Adams estimates that some 300 lunches were served at the Open House.
     Bruce Adams is a real traffic stopper! Here, he's directing cars around the bagpipers.
     Two of the members of the Border Highlander Pipers.
     Ells Bartlow, longtime Pomeroy resident, as he spoke a few words to at the opening ceremonies.
     Beverly assists Chamber of Commerce President in cutting the ribbon on the door to the newly renovated Executive Offices.
     Father Fernando begins his blessing of the offices. John is to his left with Beverly attempting to hide behind the pillar.
     Here, Father is reading.
     Blessing the room and occupants with Holy Water.
     Grant Richmond's (not shown here) "Pig Rig," Grant began roasting the 220 plus pound porker at 3:00 a.m. before the ceremonies began.
   Pomeroy City Councilman John Carlson and his wife Betty are moving through part of the crowd. In the background are plumber Terry Tibor and Family.
     Sort of renovated (Well, it looks a LOT better than a year ago) is the Castlemoyle Books and Gifts section of the Hotel revere.
     Beverly and President Jon again, this time inside the office.
     Wayne and Jenny Flesch, the Gordons' good friends from Tukwila, are chatting with Pomeroy's own Johnny Capwell and Dottie VanVogt.
   "Take a picture of the pig, not me," seems to be what Grant Richmond is saying.

     Chelsea McEwan (Wenatchee), Jessica and Melissa Flesch (Tukwila), and Tori Gordon (Seattle) - Our "Coke Girls."
     Al Chidester on his electric fiddle. Al is the owner of Arts and Crafts Book Bindery in Oakesdale and created the Hotel Revere Guest Register.
      Several Pomeroy residents who came out to the Open House with a photo montage of some of the work the Gordon family has done on the Hotel Revere in the background.


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For More information You May:
Call: 509-843-5009
Fax: 509-843-3183
Write: PO Box 520, Pomeroy WA 99347




 Last Update: 10/16/00