Pomeroy Washington Downtown National Historic District
May 1920
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A public airplane landing park, maintained by the city, was urged before the meeting of the council Tuesday evening by J. R. Stetvenson [sic], Fred Hungate and Roy Robinson. Land in west Pomeroy owned by L. N. Knettle and Mrs. Hattie McKeirnan was declared accessible, and open for purchase. A committee of the council was appointed by Mayor C. E. Kuykendall to investigate the matter.
Another committee of citizens appeared to petition for a bridge at the Corey place in east Pomeroy, to replace the one washed out by the spring freshet.
Bert M. Morrell, a Spokane attorney who was called to Pomeroy for a consultation on the legal aspects of the proposed Bihlmaier springs water project, advised the council to measure the water at the source and again below the city and at the sewer outlet, to determine what amount, if any, would be taken from water users below the city, by whom damage suits may be instituted should the project go through. Mr. Morrell expressed the opinion that the reduction in the water supply below the city would not be material.
The city rate for man and team, during June, was increased from $6.50 a day to $8, declared necessary in order to meet the competition of private employers.