News from the

January 4, 1919
Page 2, Editorial

The prediction of Health Officer Gilbert that influenza would be brought in by some of the many persons coming from outside points during the holidays is fulfilled. Up to last Saturday Pomeroy had been free from any new case of flu for five weeks. Then a school boy who came from Grandview, Wash., fell ill with the disease. Several persons had been exposed to this case and now there are 11 or 12 cases in three families here.
It is clear that the only effectual way to fight this disease is to adopt an infelxible [sic] restrictive policy. No one can say the epidemic has passed the worst stage here while a chance for further exposure exists. Any precaution justified by smallpox or any other acute infectious disease is justified as a means of dealing with the present situation. The business of of saving lives is important. To suspend schools and churches and all public and private private meetings is not a comparatively unreasonable sacrifice. To maintain a strict quarantine by hunting down and prosecuting every person Who shall violate a quarantine regulation is a duty Pomeroy and Garfield county cannot afford to shirk.
Probably experience will prove the quarantine to be the only practicable protective measure.
A week later . . . .
January 11, 1919
Page 8