March, 1882

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Business Houses of Pomeroy

Up and Down Main Street

While taking a look at our little burg a few days since, and while walking up Main street, we thought it might be a good idea to make mention of the different businesses here, and thereby show to outsiders that we are not a little backwards town with its one country store where all the young men of the town congregate on Saturday evenings to spin yarns and swap jack-knives, and on Sundays lean up against the wall on the side where the sun was the brightest to watch the "gals" as they go by to church, but that we have a live goahead, business point of true western grit and enterprise.

Pomeroy WA from 2nd to 3rd Streets, 1882

A portion of Main Street, Pomeroy Washington, as drawn in 1881 and shown in Historic Sketches by Frank T. Gilbert

The town was laid out in the Fall of 1877 by J. M. Pomeroy, who owned the land on which it is situated. A grist mill was built, a stock of goods was put in, and though has been such as to excite remark from outsiders, and the enterprise of the citizens of Pomeroy is proverbial. To-day we number nearly four hundred inhabitants, and the day is not far off when the snorting of the iron horse, as he forces his way up the valley will awaken the echoes in the surrounding hills and cause the oldest inhabitants (who but a few years since said that "These hills grow a good bunchgrass, but will never raise wheat") to scratch his head and pinch himself before he will realize that he is not dreaming. In future articles we will write of the wealth and richness of those same hills and of the wonderful growth of the country since we came to it, five years ago, but this article will treat merely of the town of


where we live. Beginning at the West end of Main street, we have the first store building erected in town. It being built by B. B. Day, and filled with goods in 1877. He afterwards selling out to Brady & Rush. It will soon be occupied by


as an agricultural depot. They are men of sterling worth, and are bound to succeed. Give them a call and you will not regret it. Next we come to the saloon, owned and keped(?) by

R. Kernohan

California Restaurant, Pomeroy WA, advertisement, 1882

advertisement from March 1882, issue of Pomeroy Republican

who was the first dispenser of liquid enthusiasm in Pomeroy. He is an agreeable gentleman, obliging to his friends and is one of the solid men of the town. His liquors and cigars are of the best, and the abundance of newspapers lying on his tables (showing his intelligence), makes it a pleasant place to pass a social hour. Adjoining the saloon, and also owned by Mr. Kernohan, is the California Restaurant, now kept by

G. A. Gillett,

a natural born landlord, and one who possesses the virtue so often lacking in a hotel keeper--socialability. He has kept up a good business, and is sure to succeed. Chinese are at a discount at this house. Mrs. G. doing her own cooking. Next to the restaurant is the law offices of

J.H. & J.B. Lister

who are always ready to attend to legal business entrusted to them, and their long residence in this country makes them especially successful as collectors. We can recommend them. We next reach the meat market of

M. E. Gillis

where the juiciest of bunch-grass beef is always kept. Mr. Gillis has been with us in our struggles for supremacy, and deserves support. Always accommodating, he has made friends who will remember him in the future, as we approach metropolitan proportions. Following up the street a rod or two we find ourselves at

Mulkey Bros.

the pioneer hardware dealers of Pomeroy. They keep a full line of shelf and heavy hardware, stoves and tin-ware. In connection with their store they run a tin-shop, presided over by M. M. Arant, an experienced workman formerly of Lewiston. They are good men to deal with, and are thoroughly identified with the country. The next is the


but some future historian can write of us if we deserve it. Adjoining is the fine merchandise store of

John J Smith, barber, Pomeroy WA, advertisement, 1882

advertisement from March 1882, issue of Pomeroy Republican


It was built last season, in the most substantial manner, by J. W. Schmidt, the boss mechanic. The building is 26 by 70 feet, resting on a stone foundation, which makes the finest cellar in town, the full size of the building. The store room, proper, is well lighted. The ceiling is 17 feet high, the shelving and counters are rained in the highest style of art and filled with a well selected stock of goods, consisting of everything from a needle to a keg of nails. The proprietors came to Pomeroy in the Summer of 1879, buying out B. B. Day, at whose old stand they conducted their business until the completion of their larger and more commodious quarters, which they now occupy. They have a good trade and have been quite an accession to our town, investing, as they have, in considerable town property, which will some time prove their sagacity. Next and across 2md street is the drug store of

Dr. T. C. Frary

who is also one of the pioneers and has stayed with us through thick and thin. He carries a well selected stock of drugs and medicines, Glass, Putty, &c., &c, and does a good business, which he deserves. The Dr. also practices his profession, in which he stands high. He is also "on deck" when anything of importance needs attending to, and being a sound Republican, his influence is large. During the recent campaign he was associated with this paper, but having better judgment than we did, he withdrew, preferring the safe and sure life of a practicing physician to the insecure and thankless one of a country editor. Long may he wave.

Dr. J. H. Kennedy

has his office at the drug store. He is a practicing physician of good reputation, as his large practice while in Dayton testifies. He has purchased a residence here and for the future will be one of us.

Frank H. Brown

Att'y at Law, has his office in the drug store. He is Notary Public &c., &c., and will make filings on land, or attend to any other legal business with which you may entrust him. He is an accommodating gentleman to deal with and will do what he promises. Give him a call and test our recommendation. The

U.S. Military Telegraph Office

and Signal Station is the next in order. This is a feature of our town and was established in the year 1879 by Major Vedder. It is presided over by J. M. Burlew, as accommodating an operator who ever tapped an instrument. He came here a bachelor forlorn, but was not long in selecting and obtaining title to a wife, and has settled down into a stand and quiet man of a family. Next door to the Telegraph office is the hardware firm of

Foote & Sawyer

where can be found as well selected stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware &c., &c., as can be found east of Walla Walla. This is a new firm commencing the hardware business last season, but by close attention and strict integrity they have built up a trade second to none in Garfield county. Their tin shop is in charge of C. N. Clark, formerly of Dayton and a first class workman. In the same building, we find

James Chisholm

agent for the White Sewing Machine. He keeps a full line of machine supplies on hand and is never tired of explaining the beauties and superiority of his wares. He is located among us for good and you can depend upon honorable treatment from him in every transaction. Give him a call, and if you do not buy, he will charge you nothing for showing you his goods. Next in order is the general merchandise store of

L Hirsch & Co., Pomeroy WA, advertisement, 1882

advertisement from March 1882, issue of Pomeroy Republican

L. Hirsch & Co.

formerly of Salem, Oregon, in charge of the Junior member of the firm, Mr. Ben Hirsch. Their store room is 24 by 80 feet and filled from floor to ceiling with Goods, Wares and Merchandise of every description. They commenced business in October, 1880., having bought out M. Gibson. Their trade has steadily increased from the beginning and to-day hey stand firm foundation and are thoroughly identified with us. The post office is kept in the same room, as also are Wells Fargo & Co's. Express office and L. McMorris' Stage office, all of which are represented by humble "we." Mssrs. Hirsch & Co. were compelled to build an additional 26 feet to the length of their building to accommodate the goods received last Fall. They are solid and will treat you well. in the same building, but on the second floor is the

Odd Fellows Hall

where the Masons and Good Templars also meet. It is furnished in good style, the floor being covered with a good three ply carpet and everything goes to show that the different Orders are in a flourishing condition.

Mrs. C. F. Green's

Millinery establishment is the next in order, where the ladies delight to go and at whose mention husbands frown and clasp their pocket books the tighter. She keeps in stock all the little extras that go towards making the female sex so charming and irrestible.

Kirkham & Coon

have a cigar stand in the room formerly occupied by the barber. They keep a full line of Cigars and Tobacco. If you patronize them once; you will call again and, while you are enjoying your smoke, Kirk, will regale you with his tales of Andersonville, in which hell-hole he passed several months of the best part of his existence. In the rear of their store

J. J. Smith

has opened his Tonsorial Parlors where the unkempt can be shaven or shorn. He comes well recommended. A few steps and we reach

Gallagher's Billiard Parlor

where the irresistible "Jeems" smiles upon you as you enter and insinuatingly inquires after your health and the possibility of your having a "slick half." He has a fine commodious room, finished in oak grain, with two club-rooms attached where the weary pilgrim can enter and indulge in a little game of --checkers if he chooses. The billiard table never gets cold and if you wish to play a game of pool, it is Ed, Rice's smiling face that asks "What'll you have gentlemen." Next we find the

St. George Hotel, Pomeroy WA, advertisement, 1882

advertisement from March 1882, issue of Pomeroy Republican

St. George Hotel

Harry St. George proprietor. This house has recently been thoroughly renovated and refurbished, and has now few superiors in Eastern Washington. The beds are of the best and the tables are supplied with everything the market affords. Travelers can depend upon being treated well while there. Crossing 3rd street we come to

John A. Curran's

Restaurant, where the hungry are fed for 25 cents per head. Mr. Curran moved here from Marengo last Fall and has had no case to complain of his treatment since becoming one of us. He sets a good table, is a pleasant gentleman to deal with and we can recommend him. Adjoining the restaurant we find the harness and saddle shop of

G. A. Parker

where horse clothes of every description and of the best quality can be found at Walla Walla prices. He is one of the pioneers of the town and hos prosperity, since living here, is an indication of his fair dealing with his customers. He also runs a boot and show shop in connection with his harness shop, where he engages in the laudable undertaking of saving "soles." Interview him and he will demonstrate to you the folly of going to Walla Walla for your outfit when you can get it just as cheap at home. He is also agent for the New Home sewing machine. Following up the street a few rods we reach

Dirk Zemel's

Grocery store. Dirk keeps a full line of nuts and candies, crackers, family groceries, produce, &c. &c. He also has a pigeon-hole table, where you can while away a few lonesome hours punching the ivories. He is one of our first settlers and deserves the success that is now in store for him. Give him a call. A few steps further and we reach the


Washington Independent newspaper, Pomeroy WA,  1882

As shown in Historic Sketches by Frank T. Gilbert, 1882.

office where F. W. D. Mays continues the publication of the first paper, East of Dayton, in what was Columbia Co, when he began business. He has recently returned from Portland, where he purchased additional material for his office. In times past we have measured swords with him, so to speak, but in the future we will take lessons from the scriptural lion and lamb and dwell together in unity--if possible. At the upper end of Main street is the office of

J. M. Pomeroy

Justice of the Peace, where justice is meted out at so much a head. We would give him a good puff, but as he belongs in the family we forebear. The next building is the blacksmith shop of

James O'Conner

It has been closed a portion of this season because Jimmie has been living on his ranch for the purpose of proving up. He is with us again, however, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in a workmanlike manner, at low prices. Give him a call. The Pomeroy planing mill, belonging to

R. P. Steen

is the furthest building East, on Main street. This fine piece of property is under the management of Joe Clarey, who is a first class mechanic. This mill has all the latest improvements, in planing machinery, is driven by a 14 inch Turbine wheel, with 35 feet fall. This is a valuable property, and is now run to its full capacity, doing as fine work as any mill this side of Portland. Following down the North side of main street, we reach the Pomeroy livery stable, kept by

Hughes & Son.

The owner, J. H. McGrew, has recently enlarged, and otherwise improved this property, until it is now one of the best appointed stables in the country. Hughes and Son have a host of friends and know how to keep their customers, by treating all with uniform politeness and respect. Horses placed in their charge never go uncared for. The next building is known as the Sparks building, where

Kurg Hunsacker

will shortly open a saloon. He comes well recommended, and will no doubt do well. Near by is

Hendershotts' Stable

an imposing structure, which would do honor to many a larger place than Pomeroy. Billy is the captain, and does a good business. The building is large and roomy, having a capacity for fifty tons of hay. The enterprising owners

Rise & Mowrey,

have recently purchased the warehouse building adjoining formerly owned by C. B, Foote and will fit it up as an addition. When completed, it will give them plenty of room, and will be a property to be proud of. Hendershotts, love of horses, insures them plenty of feed, and his peculiar faculty of making friends insures him plenty of custom. Still following down the street, we come to the furniture store of

John Sacknitz

who is undoubtedly the best workman, in his line, in Garfield county. He keeps a full supply of furniture of all kinds, and sells at living prices. He is a prince of good fellows and will treat you well when you call on him. We next arrive at the

Columbia Brewery,

Columbia Brewing, Pomeroy WA, advertisement, 1882

advertisement from March 1882, issue of Pomeroy Republican

owned and operated by Ernst and Emil Scholl. This brewery is fitted up with all modern conveniences, with all modern conveniences, with a cool and airy cellar, walled up with stone, and where, if you are cheeky, you can penetrate on a hot summer day, and regale yourself with a foaming glass of the best lager in this land. Their well is also in the cellar and is fitted up with a force pump, and several hundred feet of hose, as a precaution against fire. A pipe is also laid from the mill-race to the brewery bringing the water directly to the furnace room. A large well is being dug in the yard, and when done, a force pump will be placed therein capable of throwing water on the adjoining buildings. Messrs. Scholl Bros. are this year, trying the experiment of putting up ice for summer use. They have put up a large ice house, and if knowledge of the business is any criterion to go by, we think they will succeed. They reside in the rear of the saloon, where they have three rooms fitted up as cosily as though they were not both bachelors. Their malt, they now get of John H. Stahl, of Walla Walla, but they are thinking of putting up a malt house of their own next season and will then make it at home. The blacksmith shop of

Davis & Gardner

is the next one reached, where the accommodating proprietors are busily engaged from morning till night, shaping the iron to suit their numerous customers. They run three fires, one being fitted up with a patent Eclipse fan, which Mr. Davis considers a great improvement over a bellows. They use the Burdicks combined punch, shear, and tire upsetter, which obviates the necessity of cutting and welding. They have recently received a fine piece of machinery, in the shape of a Coe's patent upright drill which bores wood as well as iron. This is a really powerfull drill, one man can by machine drill a one and a half inch hole, without assistance, while if two men tackle the "beast" its capacity is doubled. It is a great invention, and one that will save its cost in a short time. D. & S. both have hosts of friends and their trade is becoming larger every day. Next to Davis & Gardner we find the wagon shop of

L. Killam

Mr. Killam came to Pomeroy when it was in its infancy, and by hard work and attention to business, has built up a good trade. Last season he built a new shop which he now occupies. Give him a call, and he will guarantee to give you satisfaction. We are now at the Pomeroy Grist Mills, owned by

J. F. Abbott,

 Columbia Brewery, Pomeroy WA,  1882

The Columbia Brewery as seen in Historic Sketches by Frank T. Gilbert, 1882.

of Walla Walla, and run by B. B. Day, under lease. This mill is run by a 15 inch Barnham Turbine wheel with a 53-foot fall. It carries two run of burrs, which are kept revolving day and night, turning out as good a quality of flour as any mill in this upper country. The warehouse is filled from cellar to roof with grain. Teams are busily engaged hauling flour to Starbuck, from which point it is shipped to Portland, where it is in steady demand. This mill was built in the summer of 1877, by W. C. Potter, and afterwards sold to B. B. Day, who in turn sold it to J. F. Abbott, its present owner. It was the first building put up in town, and has gained a splendid reputation, both for quality of flour and fairness of dealing by its proprietors. G. S. Heaton, the present head-miller, has been engaged in the mill almost continuously since 1878. He understands his business thoroughly, having been in the milling business all his life. It is not necessary to say anything of B. B. Day, the lessee, as he is well and favorably known throughout the upper country as an honest man, and one with whom it is a pleasure to do business.

Dr. J. C. Andrews

is a practicing physician, who recently returned from Waitsburg, at which he has been residing since last spring. He is prompt to answer calls, and will practice his profession in our midst for the future.

Elmon Scott

a young lawyer, recently arrived from "the states," has come among us to practice his profession. He has associated himself with R. F. Sturdevant, that old standby, of Dayton, and this fact of itself is a sufficient recommendation. We hope he will do well while with us.

Mr. A. T. Heavilon

is also a practicing attorney, recently from Chicago. He comes well recommended, and no doubt will do well while among us. He is always ready to attend to business.

We are now at the end of our walk and trust it has been as pleasant for our readers as it has for us. We have been pleased to note the strides our young town has made, and we feel proud of having been among the first who came here. The future is brighter than the past, and another four years will see the town of Pomeroy an incorporated city, whose name will be well known in the land. The present county-seat of Garfield county, it possesses advantages which it has not had in the past, and we predict for it a successful future. Many new buildings are in contemplation. The county offices we have not yet mentioned because they are not yet located. Our next will be descriptive of Pataha Prairie, and for the present, we will close.

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