Downtown Pomeroy Washington from space

Pomeroy Downtown Restaurant Inventory

Pomeroy Gas Stations 1970

(Map is a placeholder only)

Historic Restaurants

Dodge Cafe

Al's Sports Center (1952 address 932 Main, phone 55)

Crystal Cafe (1952 address: 835 Main, Pomeroy 39

Short Stop Drive-Inn (2015 address: 1412 Main Street)

Kozy Korner (1952 addess: 2076 E Main, Pomeroy 213)

Schaeffer's Steak House (1952 address: PO Bldg, Phone 32)

Up and Up Tavern (1952 address: 971 Main, phone 34)

Villa Cafe (1952 address: 955 E Main, phone 11) #35 Wenning Bldg Now 836 Main

Pataha Cafe (1952: Phone 673 R-3)

Current Restaurants

Palace Meats and

Alibi Tavern


Area Traffic Cameras
Alpowa Summit
Delaney (20+ miles W on Highway 12)
SE Washington Traffic Alerts


This Web site has been financed by Castlemoyle Books and Gifts for the Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee.
The Committee gratefully acknowledges donations of time, photographs, scans, and other
assistance from the Garfield County Museum and individual citizens of Pomeroy and Garfield County.

The Pomeroy Historic Preservation Committee
66 South 7th Street
Pomeroy WA 99347


Copyright © 2002-2021 John R. Gordon