Downtown Pomeroy Washington, 1908

News from the

East Washingtonian newspaper logotype

October 17, 1935

Page 5



Ted Haynes is moving to Pullman where he has rented his mother's farm of about a thousand acres of wheat land. Silcott is sorry to lose the Haynes family, but wish them much success in their new venture.

Clarence Foster of Dayton is visiting his sisters, Mrs. M. N. Jeffreys, for a few days.

Silcott was shocked Saturday morning to hear of the death of Dominic Angelo, who passed away at 6 o'clock. He had been sick about a week but no one thought his illness to be serious.

Herbert Smead is having his wood hauled from the Farrish sawmill near Anatone.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenworthy of Dayton visited at the M. N. Jeffreys home Sunday.

Everyone in this vicinity is sowing his fall grain since the nice showers during the past week.

Fred Lile Jeffreys is visiting this ween with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Jeffreys.


J. L. Stringfield was here last week end buying cattle. It is reported he bought two truck loads.

Clayton Buchanan was a business visitor Saturday at the homes of Alex and Hugh McEachen.

Howard Robinson of Waitsburg came Saturday to move the rest of the household effects of J. R. Evans to Dayton. Mr. Evans moved to Dayton several years ago for the benefit of Mrs. Evan's health, but some of his household goods were never moved from the farm in this section.

Lots of rain has fallen the past several days, the heaviest downpour occuring last Saturday night.

Four inches of snow fell Saturday and Sunday on the summit of the mountains, but when mountain travelers crossed at Mt Misery Sunday evening the snow had melted till only about an inch remained on the ground. It is reported the snowfall extended down nearly to Rose Springs.

Albert McEachen went to Pomeroy Sunday afternoon on business. He expects soon to go to Arizona where he will probably operate a Watkins route.

R. N. Warner was in Pomeroy last week end.

Isaac Van Ausdle took Miss Mabel Rieth, teacher here, to town Friday where she got her car and drove it back. When Miss Rieth came here from Spokane she had been misinformed as to the roads, thinking it impossible to drive her car here. Learning differently after teaching one week, she wrote and had her car brought to Pomeroy.


Charles Dodge and daughters Irene and Grace, and Mr. and Mrs. Sheers, left Monday going to Palouse, Pullman and returning via Lewiston, to remain a few days in the latter city.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox were in Walla Walla Monday and Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hugg, Logan and Victor Hugg, Letha Wolfe and | Miss Davis, the teacher, attended the donkey ball game in Pomeroy Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Matlock and Miss Davis were dinner guests at the John Evanson home Monday evening.

Harold Price helped Walter Hugg and sons treat 150 sacks of wheat Monday preparatory to sowing.

Curley Becker and his crew are papering and painting Ed Ruchert's new home, getting it ready for occupancy soon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Evanson attended the donkey ball game in town Sunday.

Waverly Old's car collided with that of Dr. P. D. Brink in front of the Howard Wolfe place as the doctor was coming into the highway. Neither was hurt.

Miss May Oliphant, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Price and Dorothy Price were shopping in Walla Walla Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolfe had as dinner guests Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochran and little son.

Mrs. Roy Dickson and Mrs. Ed Ruchert enjoyed a family dinner at the Sleeman home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoverson of Seattle are spending the week at the Sleeman home. Mrs. Hoverson was formerly Miss Gladys Sleeman. Accompanying them was Mrs. Arthur Rinehart, formerly Ella Mesenger, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Messenger at Pataha.

Walter Hill is seeding for Ed Ruchert on the Pataha creek place.

Hunting season opened Sunday with Chinks scarce on the creek but nuns are reported plentiful.


With the dawn of this Wednesday morning we found the air fresh and crisp, and patches of white frost covered the ground here and there.

We are happy to report Creighton Fitzsimmons is home from Walla Walla where he underwent an operation for removal of appendix, and seems well on the way to recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ford, who left Tuesday for California, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ledgerwood.

Miss Ramona Dinkins is visiting a few days this week at the Ledgerwood home.

The officers and teachers of the Christian Bible school and members of the church canvass staff met at the Omer Fitzsimmons home Monday evening. Reports from the various departments were read and committees were appointed to assist along some of the special lines of work connected with church promotion. The members of the entire canvass committee turned in satisfactory reports.

Pomona Grange Planned

On November 2 Philomathean grange will entertain Pomona grange at the Philomathean schoolhouse. Every granger is urged to be present. Election of officers will be included in the day's program. This is to be an all day meeting. Please bring covered dish to assist with the dinner.


Mrs. Charles Hoffeditz had the misfortune while washing Friday to get her right hand caught in the wringer, almost tearing off her thumb. Fifteen stitches were required to close the wound.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mai lory of Bartlett, Oregon, have moved on the Clayton place.

Mrs. Art Oliver and daughter, Mrs. Ruth Wheeler, are papering the Farley house before they move in.

Cecil Woods went to Tacoma with his brother Frank, who came over to get his father's truck to use in delivering wood in and around Tacoma.

Virgil Stephenson was in Starbuck one day last week to visit his mother and sister.

The Tucannon residents extend their heartfelt sympathy to the Fuller family. By the death of J. W. Fuller last Saturday evening this section lost one of its pioneer citizens. [2023 editor note: Read the obituary for Mr. Fuller.]

The much needed rain has come and some of the farmers are already through with their fall seeding.


Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Van Ausdle and family of Grouse Flat came over Friday, and remained till Sunday.

Lew Tidwell suffered an Injury to one of his legs while working at the Pacific Coast warehouse in Pomeroy recently.

Mrs. Alva Messenger and Mrs. Edith McNeill spent one day this week with their mother, Mrs. EL K. McPherson.

Miss Vera Volgeson of Lewiston has been here visiting her uncle Jerry Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Foredyee and family are here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller. Mrs. Foredyee is a daughter of the Millers.

Mrs. Jerry Miller's two little grandchildren, Peggy and Jerry Nuxoll, are visiting at the Miller home.

Mrs. Frances Herndon of Kansas City came last Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. Bruce Lee. It had been six years since they saw each other. Mrs. Herndon remained but a few days, starting on the homeward journey Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bowman in Pomeroy.


Pennell Kirkbride who went east by plane some months ago to become a page in the house of representatives at Washington, D. C., has been transferred to a similar position with the supreme court of the United States. As he is studying law his new environment should be helpful. Young Kirkbride's grandfather, the late Joseph Pennill, was an eminent artist whose etchings made him famous throughout the world.

The death of Mr. J. W. Fuller has cast a gloom over this vicinity. He was 82 years of age, coming to Washington over seventy years ago from Breckenridge county, Kentucky. He has many descendants scattered throughout the northwest. Many of them and numerous friends attended his funeral in Pomeroy Tuesday of this week.

The last herds of cattle are now coming down out of the mountains and appear to be in fine shape. Those belonging to Emil Hovrud, Warren Howard and Sam Woodward coming in yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hank Thompson had as dinner guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schuster and their sons, Harry and Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Russell and family. A few days previously the Thompsons entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wheeler and their children.

Jack Russell and Shorty Howard went to Walla Walla to make arrangements for packing hunters into the hills during the deer season.


Marjory Ruth Parker, Maurine Bowles, and Thelman and Walter Wernecke were absent Friday of last week.

Mrs. John Borgeson was a visitor of the upper grades Friday afternoon.

Jackie Lou Tidwell and Tommy Becker were absent this week on acount of illness.

Donna Rickman and Maurine Bowles are recovering from sprained ankles.

The primary children are getting ready for Halloween by making posters and other drawings.

The pupils of school are enjoying outdoor kittyball.

Alka-Seltzer, large size at Kuykendalls, 49c.

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