January 5, 1924

Page 5

Personal Mentions and more . . .


Mrs. Ida Marr Visits Her Brother, J. J. Bentley

SKYHOOK, December 31—Honor­ing Mrs. Ida Marr, a dinner was giv­en Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Baden, to which a number of the old timers were invited. The invitation list included Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mengee, Mr. and Mrs. W. Neibel, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Baden, Mr. and Mrs. William Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. August Reverman, Mrs. Alvena Slaybaugh, Billy Slaybaugh, Chris Baden, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burlingame and Mr. and Mrs. Peter McClung.

Mrs. Marr is the sister of J. J. Bentley. In 1883 she came from Missouri, when a girl, to make her home with her brother here. A few years later she was married to Mr. Marr and they left to make their home on the Puget Sound. Mr. Marr died at Renton six years ago. Mrs. Marr visited here 35 years ago. Her only son, Fred Marr, accompanied her on her recent visit to Pomeroy. They left Monday to spend New Year's day with relatives in Pendleton, and will then return to Renton.

A large number enjoyed a dance given Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Robertson. Music was furnished by Theodore Landkammer and Dick Thornton. Refreshments were served at mid­night.

Mrs. Elmer Lewis and children spent last week at the home of her father, James Robertson.

Personal Mention

Miss Helen Beale left Sunday to teach school at Billings, Montana.

H. C. Scott has gone to Dixon, Cali­fornia, for a stay of four weeks.

Miss Myrtle Matthies left Sunday to resume teaching at Argo, Idaho.

Frank Bingham made a business trip to Thornton early in the week.

After visiting Mrs. T. A. Bowne, Mrs. E. L. Guse left for Yakima Sun­day.

Mrs. J. T. Read and Miss Betheen Read left yesterday for a visit to Spo­kane.

Mr. and Mrs. Frances Feider are home from a visit to relatives in Clarkston.

Richard Harvey, who had visited at the S. N. Robertson home, left Mon­day for Tacoma.

After visiting in town, Mrs. W. C. Watson and children returned to Zumwalt station by train Wednesday.

Mrs. John Henley and little son re­turned Tuesday from a visit of two months to relatives at Duluth and Minneapolis.

Guy Stallcop, who was here for a Christmas visit to his relatives, is do­ing office work for the Ford com­pany at Seattle.

Mrs. Ralph Huckshorn and daugh­ter returned to Pendleton Wednes­day, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monson, the parents of Mrs. R. R. Walton, have been visiting their daughter here. Their home is in Spokane.

Minnie and Irene Mock, sisters of Mrs. C .A. McCabe, and Hilda Seeliger, all nurses of Walla Walla, visit­ed here during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Harris are home from Wallowa where they have spent the past three months. At Hillgard, on the trip home, mercury was regis­tering 16 below zero.

If you want to get up in the night in your nitie, and be warm, burn Knight coal. Madison Lumber & Mill Co. Phone 23.

The women's auxiliary to the American Legion will meet at the house of Mrs. Harry Malone, Friday evening, at 7:30. Officers will be elected.

Wild Beasts Corner Man

Losing his way in the jungle, Philo McCullough, an actor, accidentally fell into a lion pit during the filming of the Warner Brothers' production, "A Dangerous Adventure," featuring Grace Darmond, which will be shown at the Seeley theatre tonight. The pit, twenty feet deep, had been cov­ered with branches by Director S. Warner in order to prevent the actors from falling into the trap. Accord­ing to Warner the script called for McCullough's appearance in the jun­gle, dazed and in search of his part­ner. As McCullough ran out of the scene toward the camera, he acciden­tally stepped over the branches and fell into the lion pit. Several lions suddenly came rushing after him, and these also fell into the pit.

"Pioneer Trails"

"The pioneer of western pioneers was no rude son of toil, but a man of thought, trained amid arts and let­ters."—F. Parkman. This adequately and eloquently describes the pio­neer who blazed the trail to the West and made possible the building up of this great nation. These men, many of them college graduates, who left their homes in the East when gold was discovered in California in 1849 and braved the dangers of the prai­rie with its desert sands and Indians to build up a new country, are worthy of consideration. A few of them have been made famous but the thousands who gave their lives in the mad rush of those early days remain unsung save in the most sensational literature. It was to honor these and present that period in its true colors that Vitagraph picturized "Pioneer Trails," a David Smith production which will be shown at the Seeley theatre Friday and Saturday.

"Mona Vanna"

While engaged in writing "Monna Vanna," [sic] the classic love drama which William Fox is now presenting on the screen, Maurice Maeterlink, the Bel­gian poet-playwright, kept to the routine which he adopted when he first became a writer. Following a few hours with the birds, bees and flowers in his garden Maeterlink writes steadily for two hours. After lunch he goes walking or driving and outlines the material which will be transcribed during the next day's working period. "Monna Vanna," which created a sensation through­out the world's literary circles, has been made into a virile screen drama which should delight even the most blase theatregoer. The photoplay will be shown at the Seeley theatre Tuesday.

Mrs. Roscoe Cox of Pullman, daughter of D. B. Gimlin, was here for a holiday visit.


The meeting at the Congregational church last Monday was a decided success. On short notice the Ladies' aid prepared a program that was entertaining and instructive. Best of all was the feeling of good fellowship that characterized the social gather­ing. A program consisting of solos, violin, piano and vocal, quartettes by our Methodist friends, readings and stories was rendered and refreshments followed. Near the midnight hour an informal discussion of plans for the coming year was had and steps were taken that can but be suc­cessful. At four minutes of the ush­ering in of the New Year the pastor, Dr. Barrington, gave a summing up of the work to be done, and just as the bells were ringing in the year of 1924, a prayer and benediction were pronounced and the meeting came to an end.

The church unanimously decided to have a social meeting once a month hereafter, and much good is expected from these meetings. A large atten­dance marked this one and we expect still more of our people in the future. Prof. Wiswell, the new addition to the high school faculty, was given an earnest and cordial welcome and res­ponded by a humorous story.

An interesting feature was the weighing of the ladies and gentlemen, but Prof. Ridenour, our genial high school superintendent, proved so much of a heavy-weight that the scales refused to register his avoirdupios [sic], and through some collusion be­tween him and Prof. Cabbage, no one will ever know whether he weighed two hundred or two thousand. Some mysterious fellowship between him and the principal of the grammar school! One was heard to say in low tones, "It takes a lot of gall to divide this into three parts," while his partner responded, "Pax more biscuits."

Sincere appreciation is here given to the help of friends of other churches and a cordial welcome is promised them for the future.

Christian Church

"It's so different." Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Morning service at 11. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.. A workers' conference and prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 in pastor's study.

Congregational Church

Next Sunday at the morning hour the pastor will speak on "Growth in Grace," giving what he believes the rational view of that much discussed word, sanctification, and at the even­ing hour will give the first instalment of lectures on the New Testament. Some good music is promised and the public cordially invited. Remember the Sunday school at ten o'clock, Mrs. D. L. Lewis, Supt. Preaching at Pataha at three in the afternoon.

Ph. D., Pastor.

Altar Society Elects Officers

At a meeting of the Catholic La­dies' Altar society held at the parish-house Wednesday afternoon the fol­lowing officers for the ensuing year were elected: Mrs. C. A. McCabe, president; Mrs. John Berringer, vice-president; Mrs. Dan McGreevy, sec­retary-treasurer. The first of a ser­ies of socials under the auspices of the society will be given at the parish-house next Wednesday evening. These socials will be held every two weeks.

Methodist Church

Regular services Sunday: Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching at 11. At 7:30 Rev. Frank TeBow will preach.

Episcopal Church

Service and Holy Communion Sun­day morning at 11 o'clock.



FOR RENT—TWO-ROOM FUR nished apartment. Mrs. W. L. Meyers.


I will be absent from my dental of­fice Jan 9th, 10th and llth.



I will pay a reward of $50 for in­formation leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who stole a Motometer and flash-light from a car at the Philomathean schoolhouse on the night of December 29.


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