Pomeroy Washington Downtown National Historic District
April 26, 1919
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Having entered upon active community work, following the war period which diverted all organized efforts to patriotic service, the Ladies' Civic improvement club submits for publication a list of newly elected officers and copies of resolutions of much importance to the city of Pomeroy.
The new officers are; President, Mrs. H. H. Cardwell, vice-president, Mrs. B. F. Miller; secretary, Mrs. C. M. Vassar; treasurer, Grace Cardwell.
The resolutions are as follows:
We recommend that the club start a campaign for a cleaner and better town, (1st) by asking citizens to give more attention to cleaning up their yards, and streets and alleys adjacent to their property; (2nd) by asking the council to clean up the dump yard and establishing one in a less conspicuous place.
That we urge people to beautify their homes by parking, planting trees, shrubbery etc., and if their property borders on the creek, to keep banks clean and if possible cultivate vines on banks.
That a committee be appointed to confer with the city council, for the purpose of establishing some system whereby trash and rubbish will be removed at a reasonable cost to property owners.
We recommend that the club install another drinking fountain on Main street and tend to the repair and upkeep of the three fountains.
We recommend that the club improve the small plot of ground north of Elliot Richardson's residence, by grading, cultivating and seeding and that the city be asked to care for same.
We recommend that the club put a suitable fence around the park and improve the banks of the creek running between the park and the ball grounds.
We recommend that a committee be appointed to ascertain the feasibility of establishing and maintaining a library here and if possible work to that end.
DORA BURT, Chairman,
LELA KOENIG, Committee.
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